Thursday 7 February 2013

ARVENTINE: Update for 30th January 2013

The party left the House of Pale Lanterns to its apparent bloody end at the hands of the Drow bounty hunter Tinve Aleezabaen, and ventured back down the disused sewer tunnel, discussing their next move as they travelled. Their plans however, were cut short by screams both demonic and human alike echoing down the tunnel from topside. Venturing up and into the courtyard of the Flowers in a Cursed Land Brothel they were met with a grisly sight: Panicked patrons scurried all over the place, while demonic shapes flittered on rooftops overhead. The sky has turned a deep crimson colour, and above them hung a huge and terrible image of a total eclipse. It was clear that their time had run out, and the Eclipse ceremony was finally upon them.

Barging past the panicking men and women of the brothel, they stepped out into the street, only to be greeted by four figures; a tiefling brandishing a long, thin blade, a goliath barbarian, a robed man holding a wicked looking mace and a man wielding a greatsword, dressed in the outfit of a Warrior of Elemental Chaos. Each of these men had a black blindfold over their eyes. Turning to Alain Fu, they spoke of him as brother, and asked for his return to their side. Alain Fu, stepped forward and within a moment unleashed a spell at the men, ignoring their cryptic requests. A battle ensued, and strange demons that bore the upside heads of women were summoned, demons that seemed to excite the Cyrinishad in Christophes procession. All where dispatched however, as Tinve emerged from a side alley to assist.

Quickly deciding that the best course of action was to fight their way to to Lord Azzurs palace to seek the rulers aid, Christophe first paid Tinve to assist them, to which she told him she would consider it. Making headway through the stricken streets of Khare, they arrived on Palace Street, only for the way to be blocked by a fierce looking goat-headed demon, and some horrifying tentacles that seemed to burst up out of the ground. Seeing off this threat, they were soon treated to a fresh terror, as the tentacles belonged to a much larger beast that was hidden beneath the ground a Devourer, a giant ravenous demon born from the filth and gore that collects in the deepest recesses of the Abyss. Retreating from this vile creature, Alain Fu unloaded the full force of his spells into it, serving both to harm it considerably, but also to rile it up something fierce. Bursting through the wall of spells Fu had erected, the Devourer charged forth, grasping Fu in its vile talons and swallowing him whole. The rest of the party ran towards the creature, hacking away at its bulk. Knowing Alain Fu would not survive long in the belly of this monster, Eored formulated a plan. Leaping into the fray, he threw himself atop the demon, took out his Elixir of Gaseous Form and hurled into its gaping maw, losing his little finger to its teeth in the process. Within moments the huge demon dissolved to a gas and was carried away on the wind, leaving Alain Fu lying on the pavement. With no time to lose, the party gathered their wits and headed towards the Palace.  

Tinve had done her job after all, and the fierce War Troll that guarded the palace gates had been dispatched by her crossbow bolts. Disheartened by the loss, and fearing the burning acidic rain that was pouring from the sky, the remaining gate guards soon lost their resolve and fled their post. Forcing their way inside the palace, the party came face to face with Lord Azzur upon his throne, guarded by a small handful of Banite Templars. The leprous king of Khare, shaken with rage, demanded the party tell them who was responsible for all this.

Before any could answer, the doors behind them burst open, and in walked a man who could only be the famed Pilgrim, with a coterie of demons and Varlets. In answer to Azzurs question he declared I am! in a thunderous tone, and removed his leather mask. All were took aback, as the face they saw was the face of Alain looking back at them…

Tune in next time for the shocking truth behind the Blind Varlets….

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