Wednesday 23 January 2013

RULES: Alchemy Overhaul.

Here is the new Alchemy system I'll be implementing in Arventine. It's based on gathering ingredients to make potions and other fun items. I will be giving out ingredients in treasure parcels, and you can also try to skill check yourself to sourcing some on your own. Also players can do this straight away, I won't be asking for any crafting feats to be taken.
If any other DM wants to implement this into their game, bear in mind the DCs are tuned to the Arventine party, so they might need need dropping for a lower level game.



(Daily, must be trained in the skillcheck. Forage can’t be used on the same day as Gather.)

Gathering ingredients can be done anywhere, but has contextual environmental skill DCs:
Forest/cave/countryside/plains etc: DC:15
City/Town/Dungeon etc: DC:20
Desert/wasteland: DC:25
Success: Roll a d6 on the ingredient table below.

1 - Ignus 
2 - Aquae 
3 - Aether 
4 - Maga 
5 - Vitae 
6 - Mort 

These can be combined into potions, oils and powders. Preparing a potion takes an hour and the user make a Arcana or Religion check of DC:20 to successfully make the potion. If a player makes potion that fails by 5 or less on the check, he will recover/make instead one ingredient rolled off the table, but the original ingredients will be destroyed.
The basic recipes follow as such:

Potions can be drunk as a minor action.

Spend a healing surge and regain 10 HP
1 x Vitae, 1 x Aether, 1 x Maga.

Spend a healing surge and regain 25 HP
2 x Vitae, 1 x Aether, 2 x Maga, 1 x Mort.

Take an immediate saving throw on an ongoing effect with either the disease or poison keyword.
1 x Mort, 2 x Aquae

+1 bonus to your next attack roll, and +1 to your reflex until the end of your next turn.
1 x Ignus, 2 x Aether, 1 x Mort.

+1 bonus to your will, until the end of your next turn.
2 x Maga, 1x Aqua.

+1 bonus to your fortitude, until the end of your next turn.
2 x Ignus, 1 x Vitae

+1 to your next diplomacy skill check, within 1 game day.
3 x Aether, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aquae.

Oils can be applied to melee weapons as a standard action. They last 1 hour or one encounter, whichever comes first. Oils can be applied to ammunition in the same way, but only last for one attack. Only one oil can be working on a weapon at any given time.

+1 damage to humanoid creatures. (+2 at Paragon)
3 x Mort, 1 x Maga.

+1 damage to beasts. (+2 at Paragon)
2 x Aquae, 1 x Mort.

+1 damage to undead. (+2 at Paragon)
2 x Vitae, 1 x Ignus

+1 damage to elementals and demons. (+2 at Paragon)
1 x Vitae, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aether.

+1 damage to immortals. (+2 at Paragon)
1 x Aether, 1 x Mort, 1 x Ignus.

A critical hit with this weapon causes the target to feel immense pain. They are dazed as well and any other effects (save ends).
1 x Ignus, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aether.

Your attacks with this weapon do +1 fire damage.
2 x Ignus, 1 x Maga, 1 x Mort.

Your attacks with this weapon do +1 cold damage.
2 x Aquae, 2 x Aether.

Your attacks with this weapon do +1 necrotic damage.
2 x Mort, 1 x Maga, 1 x Vitae.

Your attacks with this weapon do +1 acid damage.
2 x Maga, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aquae.

+2 to any ongoing damage that you inflict with this weapon.
1 x Vitae, 1 x Maga, 2x Aether.

Powders are miscellanous extras that have a variety of uses.

Provides up to 100gp worth of ritual components
1 x Aquae, 1 x Maga, 1 x Ignus.

Provides up to 500gp worth of ritual components.
2 x Aquae, 3 x Maga, 1 x Ignus, 2 x Aether.

(minor) Sprinkle on a creature with negative HP, and they will immediately stabilise.
2 x Vitae, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aether.

(minor) When applied to any flesh, the quicksilver will turn into a froth if the flesh is that of a lycanthrope.
1 x Maga, 1 x Aquae.

(minor) Will reveal a creatures true form through any enchantment up to level 20. Use on Doppelgangers, et cetera.
2 x Mort, 1 x Ignus, 2 x Maga.

(minor) Sprinkle around you and you gain +1 bonus to Bluff and intimidate checks. Lasts one hour. Does not work when checking against Fey creatures.
1 x Vitae, 1 x Aquae, 1 x Maga.

Bursts into flame when lit. Causes 2d10 fire damage. there is enough powder in each unit to occupy at most a 5 x 5 foot square.
3 x Ignus, 1 x Aether.

Sprinkle on locks. +2 to thievery checks. the lock is dissolved and cannot be relocked until it is fixed or replaced.
2 x Maga, 1 x Ignus.

(standard) Coat any implement with this powder. The next attack that uses the Arcane keyword crits on a 19 or 20. 
1 x Vitae, 2 x Aether, 1 x Mort.

(Minor) Sprinkle on anything you wish to examine, and get a +2 bonus to Arcana checks.
1 x Acquae, 1 x Maga.

(standard) Ranged 10. Dex Mod +2 vs. Reflex: 1d8 +Dex radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the attacker's next turn.
2 x Vitae, 1 x Ignus, 1 x Mort, 1 x Aether.

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