Sunday 17 March 2013


Returning to Captain Octagon with the information that the people who had tried to imprison him are some sort of demon cultists who seem to be making a power play in Mong Xar, Sand, Mr Wong, Seraph and Jodric are introduced to two chaps who are new in town and have been taken under the captains wing – a rogue named Jaeles and a wizard called Querion. Querion begins the process of dispelling the magic ink that keeps the Captain trapped in his chamber, and after battling off a few nasty arcane beasties, the spell is broken and the Captain is free.

He’s pretty pissed off, and enlists the party to try to track down those responsible, whilst he’s busy re-establishing his organisation in the Mong Xar underworld. The party picks up their first lead at Stark’s Shop of Wonders – an arcane emporium run by an aged but powerful warlock. He makes the party a deal – if they can either collect a debt, or if it cannot be paid, meet out suitable punishment, he’ll give them some information. The party agree, and find themselves in a battle with some lunatic sea-spirit worshipping sailors and a couple of water elementals, who’ve no way of paying the debt they owe Stark for a shipment of Kua Toa roe. Victorious, Jodric suggests scuttling the cult’s temple, which is a converted ship, and Stark is well pleased with the outcome. He doesn’t know much about these demon worshippers, but he directs them to a gambling house where he knows a mercenary who has done some work for them often plays.
The party track down this mercenary, chase and kill him, and find a note on his body which mentions a meeting in Daddy Hung’s Wagon Wheel Factory, now closed down, that very night. They stake out the joint, but their efforts are thwarted when none other than the city guard themselves come to clear the area, claiming they must do so in the name of some public health emergency. The party regroup, overpower the city guards outside and enter the warehouse.

They burst into the warehouse in time to see a short, portly man trying to make his escape through the back, protected by the city guards. But they aren’t the only ones there, a group of stocky foreign mercenaries engages the party, and despite best efforts to stop the fleeing man, the party is too engaged by these mercs and the guards, and the man escapes in a carriage. Combat continues inside, where another robed man, gaunt and lean and terribly afflicted by some rotting disease has joined the combat. He eventually escapes the party, fleeing into the city night.
As the party search the warehouse, a Tiefling with one eye enters, and introduces himself as Lucien. He claims to be a member of the Dhigan Society, working for the House of the Jackal, the wing of the society that is most concerned with criminal activity. He’s been assigned to keep an eye on Captain Octagon’s activities, and when all when quiet on that front his suspicions were raised. His investigations also led his to this warehouse. When the party show him a document they found, stamped with the family seal of the Bai family, he is aghast. Sho Zan Bai was a Grand Advisor to the Emperor two hundred years previously, when it was revealed he was in league with the forces of the abyss. He, and his wife and children, were executed and his line believed to be extinct. Who could be using the Bai family seal after all these years?
Lucien suggests that the first place the party should look is the Bai mausoleum, on the outskirts of the city. Here the party find evidence that the Bai line had continued, in secret – the family tree in the mausoleum has been kept up to date over the centuries. Someone had also been expanding the tomb, and had filled it with some nasty surprises from the abyss. As Seraph and Querion began to look through some demonic tracts, Sand’s powers seemed to take on a life of their own – and just at a passage about the boon’s offered to those who make pacts with the Lady of Decay! Seraph took this as evidence that Sand was in league with demons, and expelled him from the party.
The party returned to Lucien. He was gravely troubled by the news, and said he had to consult Uncle Shin, the leader of the House of the Jackal, before deciding on the next course of action. Unfortunately, he also had bad news for the party – their two newest members, Jaeles and Querion, were drawing much renewed interest with local bounty hunters, it seems someone had tipped off the guard that they were at large in the city. Thankfully, Lucien knew a guy who could help them out.
After a scuffle with one such group of bounty hunters, one of whom decided to switch sides and, in recompense, pledge his blade to the party’s cause, the party met with Lucien’s contact and arranged a quid pro quo deal – they’d take out some smugglers who hadn’t paid off the guard and had also taken liberties with the Lieutenant’s intended, and he’d stage their deaths (conveniently, the two smugglers bear a passing resemblance to Jaeles and Querion), confirm the kill and put an end to the bounty. The party succeed in this, and return to Lucien’s safehouse, waiting to meet with him and plan their next move.

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