Friday 18 July 2014

ALLANSIA LORE: Legend of the Usurpers



This creation myth is pieced together from the rather secretive religious practices of the many pyromancy sects of Heliopolai. It seems to be rather negative towards the gods, but this is explained by the usual hostility shown to divine matters by wizards and sorcerors. The legitimacy of this 'eternal flame' is questionable, but it can't be denied that the fire magicks of Heliopolai are a wonder to behold.

-Vallanger the Blue and Grey, Scholar of Salamonis.

Published the History Dept., Salamonis 2469 AC

In the beginning there was just flux and matter. Fire weaved with water, air blew through stone. There were creatures in this time, elementals which danced and played within the flux. However, there was one flame, one fire thaty burnt too hot and for too long, and became aware of itself. Within this eternal flame was birthed the very substance of permanence: time, entropy and thought. Some creatures came to the fire, small beings of no consequence within the great flux. They reached into it, and burnt themselves in its crucible. They emerged anew, aware of the permanence that only the fire knew. 

With such power, they called themselves gods and set about their great work. They forged seas, plains and mountains, permanent things and set them on an orb apart from the flux. They grew trees, creatures, set peoples of all creeds and types upon it. They ruled it as kings.

In time they grew greedy. They wanted more material for more creations, and waged war against the flux, which in turn raised powerful beings of its own. So began the First War, or as northerners say, the Dawn War. One god known as Um to Heliopolitans, Tharizdum to the North, Manimac to old elves and Glythagul to those of the Underdark, ventured to the edge of the flux, where dark things live, and stole a piece of their power. Attempting to make the gods stronger, Um flung the darkness into the eternal flame. But it was hubris, and the darkness consumed the eternal flame. The poison flowed from the flame into the flux, and created the Abyss. The joyful elementals began the horrific demons, and the Dawn War began anew. 


Worlds and planes alike were ravaged, but the gods in the end where victorious, as the creatures of flux had no place within the permanence, and were banished. The gods dwelled in their world at peace. But the jealous minds of the gods soon turned on themselves, and they went to war with each other. The creatures of world, who had undertaken much sorrow on behalf of the gods, communed with deeper spirits that dwelled within rock and sea, and cast the gods into exile. 

But let it be known that fragments of the eternal flame still exist in the flux, despite the stupidity of the gods. It is the role of all Pyromancers to search and harness the power of this flame, to ignite it anew. The usurper gods be damned, all honour to the eternal flame.

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