Saturday 20 October 2012

Evarressemme: Cast of NPCs

DINZHAR – A powerful and rather unpleasant “businessman” in the port city of Ilthmong.

TANI – An agent of the Dhigan Society – a shadowy organisation that is deeply involved in the shadier side of Evarressememe politics, sometimes, but not exclusively, acting as the empire’s secret service – whom the party angered and were nearly killed by in lthmong.

FENG – A representative of a power at the Evaressememe court, who has provided the party with a couple of (somewhat dodgy and underhand) jobs.

“MR HU” – The mysterious courtier who Feng represents.

MA HEI – Young, foppish nobleman who was a supporter of Mr Hu, but is now dead.

SOUNG – All the party know of this person is that they arranged the assassination of Ma Hei, the evidence for which was a letter at the assassins’ headquarters.

BIG WEN – One of Captain Octagon’s chief lieutenants.

CAPTAIN OCTAGON – A former pirate captain, who turned his crew over to the authorities in order for the chance to start a new life on land. Following this he became a mercenary, and won a certain measure of fame for leading a heroic charge at the Battle of Yu Han Hill. He then moved to the capital, Mongxar, where he set up as a general criminal overlord, and controls most underworld operations in south Mongxar. Also the party’s most recent employer.

OLD MAN LI – An wizened old denizen of the market and dockside districts known for having his finger on the pulse of what’s adrift in the Mongxar underworld.

ILTHMONG JO – A well connected opium house proprietor.

MADAME DENG – The madam at the Perfumed Fan bordello.

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