Saturday 20 October 2012

Evaressemme: Anvarrus' Letter

My Liege,
the recent funds and supplies and men you have sent in means I am certain that I shall soon have completed the task you have allotted me, and our influence will soon hold sway over the Mong Xar underworld, at least as far as the commercial district is concerned.
I have cunningly imprisoned that fool who calls himself Captain Octagon in his quarters, exploiting his foolish obsession with ostentatious tattoos by having spell-woven ink used on him when last he visited Mr Magoo's workshop. He cannot set forth into the streets any longer, and I am certain that soon him influence will wane and his gang lose faith in him! When this happens, we shall be ready to fill the vacuum of power left and take over all his operations, just as you command.
He will only be able to escape if he manages to get hold of the original ink and have a local wizard dispel the ink in the original pot, this is the source of the enchantments power - and I can hardly see that happening. I'm sure he doesn't even know he's under a spell! The foolish pirate!
I am continuing the hunt for a local front-man for our operations, and am certain to find one soon.
In the Decayed One's name,


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