Monday 22 October 2012

ARVENTINE: Story Update

Resolved to take the Cyrinishad to the Harpers, the party leave Arventine and travel on the north road, tailing the army that marches to lift the siege of Vos. On the way they aid the village of Pel's Hollow with a complex witch problem, and help the Arventine army destroy a Zhentarim fortress. 

Upon arrival at the Direwoods, they find a modest lodge owned by the Harpers. Inside they meet Sinifae and Mendoken, two Harpers who explain that a strange entity in the Direwoods named Baba Yaga wishes to speak to the party regarding the Cyrinishad. Heading into the dark forest, they are set upon by this Baba Yaga, and she uses her fey magicks to trap each party member in their own nightmares. The party overcome each dream, and they confront Yaga. 

Apologising for this 'test', Yaga goes on to explain that the Cyrinishad is not the soul of a dead god, but of an ancient Archmage named Cyric, who was killed on the cusp of achieving godhood, 8,000 years ago. She tells the party of 'The Pilgrim', the de facto leader of the Blind Varlets, who has obtained powers merely from the presence of the book on the prime material plane. The Pilgrim is preparing for something Yaga called 'The Eclipse'. The Hag then tells the party of Suzzarn, a creature who dwells in the city of Khare  who knows how the Cyrinishad could be destroyed. The party elect to travel to Khare to find this Suzzarn, instead of investigating this 'Pilgrim'. 

After passing through a Bel Turathi burial site, a series of underground rapids and facing a white dragon and its orc worshippers, the party make it through the Shahamunti Mountains, and the dark shape of Khare looms beneath them...

Saturday 20 October 2012

Evarressemme: Cast of NPCs

DINZHAR – A powerful and rather unpleasant “businessman” in the port city of Ilthmong.

TANI – An agent of the Dhigan Society – a shadowy organisation that is deeply involved in the shadier side of Evarressememe politics, sometimes, but not exclusively, acting as the empire’s secret service – whom the party angered and were nearly killed by in lthmong.

FENG – A representative of a power at the Evaressememe court, who has provided the party with a couple of (somewhat dodgy and underhand) jobs.

“MR HU” – The mysterious courtier who Feng represents.

MA HEI – Young, foppish nobleman who was a supporter of Mr Hu, but is now dead.

SOUNG – All the party know of this person is that they arranged the assassination of Ma Hei, the evidence for which was a letter at the assassins’ headquarters.

BIG WEN – One of Captain Octagon’s chief lieutenants.

CAPTAIN OCTAGON – A former pirate captain, who turned his crew over to the authorities in order for the chance to start a new life on land. Following this he became a mercenary, and won a certain measure of fame for leading a heroic charge at the Battle of Yu Han Hill. He then moved to the capital, Mongxar, where he set up as a general criminal overlord, and controls most underworld operations in south Mongxar. Also the party’s most recent employer.

OLD MAN LI – An wizened old denizen of the market and dockside districts known for having his finger on the pulse of what’s adrift in the Mongxar underworld.

ILTHMONG JO – A well connected opium house proprietor.

MADAME DENG – The madam at the Perfumed Fan bordello.

Evarressemme: The Ledger

September 2500

             In          Out              Notes

4th          20000                       Funds from Kh.

5th                      3000            men's wages

6th                      750              payment, Benny Ren

7th                      1300            weapons and armour

10th                     2500            fine seafood dinners

12th                     6000            bribe city guards

14th                     4500            donation - Viz. M.

Evaressemme: Anvarrus' Letter

My Liege,
the recent funds and supplies and men you have sent in means I am certain that I shall soon have completed the task you have allotted me, and our influence will soon hold sway over the Mong Xar underworld, at least as far as the commercial district is concerned.
I have cunningly imprisoned that fool who calls himself Captain Octagon in his quarters, exploiting his foolish obsession with ostentatious tattoos by having spell-woven ink used on him when last he visited Mr Magoo's workshop. He cannot set forth into the streets any longer, and I am certain that soon him influence will wane and his gang lose faith in him! When this happens, we shall be ready to fill the vacuum of power left and take over all his operations, just as you command.
He will only be able to escape if he manages to get hold of the original ink and have a local wizard dispel the ink in the original pot, this is the source of the enchantments power - and I can hardly see that happening. I'm sure he doesn't even know he's under a spell! The foolish pirate!
I am continuing the hunt for a local front-man for our operations, and am certain to find one soon.
In the Decayed One's name,


Evaressemme: the story so far...

Sand, Aino, Jodric and Olaf first meet at an opium house in the port city of Ilthmong, looking for work. There, they meet an unscrupulous merchant named Dinzhar, who offers them a job retrieving an item of “property” that he claims has been stolen from him. The party agrees, and sets out as per his instructions. However, the job goes somewhat awry. Witnesses to the break in escape, an encounter with a young man named Tani, who reveals he works for the shadowy Dhigan Society leaves the party badly wounded, and the “property” turns out to be a young lady!

The party attempt to negotiate with Dinzhar, but he’s having none of it. Eventually they leave the young lady in his… care, and realise they need to flee town pretty sharpish, as they have both sides of the law somewhat unhappy with them. A brief scuffle with city guards at the docks nearly stops them, but the party manage to daringly leap onto a departing ship and make sail for the capital city, Mongxar.

Arriving in Mongxar broke and tired, the party elect to spend an awkward night with Aino’s parents. Following this, the wizardess decides to lead her companions to her alma mater, where some ill-conceived attempts to procure funding for academic archaeology projects are made and rooms are taken. Eventually, the party hear word of some work in the city, and head off to the address they’re given in the commercial district.

In a small office in a bonded warehouse they meet Feng, who is the representative of a powerful courtier, although he declines to reveal who this is. He has a job for them that need be handled sensitively – planting seditious materials in the home of another courtier, in order to discredit him. This involves a jaunt through the city sewers. The party complete the mission, and return to Feng to collect their pay.

A few days later they are called back to the office, where Feng tells them his employer – a Mr Hu – is pleased with the work they’ve done. He has another job for them. Allies of the discredited courtier have worked out who was behind the scheme, and are looking for revenge. Mr Hu has learned of a plot to assassinate a foppish young noble, Ma Hei, who, despite his weak character, is an important financial and political benefactor of Mr Hu. The party are to escort him to the safety of his uncle’s village – Sha’zu – some thirty miles north east of the city.

The party manage to fend off one attempt on the nobleman’s life, and valiantly battle against a second, but in the end the nobleman perishes. They bear his remains to his uncle’s village. The grief stricken uncle asks that they hunt down his nephew’s killers, as a matter of honour, which the party agree to do. In Sha’zu they meet Mr Wong, a wandering goliath barbarian seeking adventure in the world, who decides to join their quest.

The party track the assassins to an ancient tiefling outpost in the mountains, and defeat them. In the boss’ chamber they find records of the deal made by someone named Soung. They also discover a doorway, long sealed, into some ancient catacombs which they learn is one of the many ‘Halls of Silence’, mass graves made for the millions of Tieflings who died in the cataclysm that caused the end of their empire. Inside they battle a horrid load of undead, but manage escape with their lives.
Travelling back to Mongxar, they return to Feng, who, whilst disappointed to hear about the death of Ma Hei, is pleased with the initiative shown by the party and says the information they’ve retrieved will be very helpful. The party take lodgings at an inn called ‘The Anonymous Shepherd’. He tells them he’ll be in touch.

The next morning, the party become embroiled in trouble between the owners of the tavern and some local gangsters, headed up by a man named Big Wen, who is looking for protection money. The party agree to try to sort this out for them. Olaf, however, decides that Evarressemme is not the place for him, and he heads back to the west. The rest of the party head out and begin their investigations. In the course of this they meet and befriend a Deva Cleric named Seraph, who was having a spot of bother with an irate Gnome Arcanist. Seraph is glad of the help they provide him with, and joins up with the party.

In the course of their investigations they discover that the pirate-turned-mercenary-turned-crime-boss, the hero of the battle of Yu Han Hill, Captain Octagon, is behind the shakedown at The Anonymous Shepherd. The party travel around the city, visiting Ilthmong Jo’s Opium Emporium making acquaintance with the proprietor who seems well connected; The Perfumed Fan, the most famous brothel in all Mongxar, run by Madame Deng and down in the market district meet Old Man Li – everyone says not much that goes on in the Mongxar streets gets past him.

They track down Captain Octagon’s crew, and are lead to the boss under arms. He’s not pleased, but after some bargaining, and realising something is wrong, the party manage to save their hides by agreeing to do some work for him. Embarrassingly, the Captain has fallen under some spell, and is trapped in his octagonal chamber at headquarters. Aino detects the source of the spell is somewhere on the Captain himself, in fact, it is the latest of his many octagon-themed tattoos!

This leads the party to Mr Magoo’s Fashionable Tattoo’s – arguably the finest studio in the empire – where they track down the tattooist, Benny Ren, who did the work on Octagon. Benny admits that he had been given some ink by some scary types, and told to use it only on Octagon. He gives the party an address across town.

Here the party find a group of foreign-looking types, have a big dust up, and then have to deal with some demons summoned by the guy in charge! They discover some documents which evidence that these people were responsible for the curse on Captain Octagon, which can only be broken by dispelling the original pot of ink (which thankfully they also find!). In a secret compartment of a demonic altar downstairs they find a ‘Book of Prayers to Phraxas’ and a ledger.