Thursday 28 August 2014

CLOSE LOOK AT NPCs: Tinve Aleeza'baen

Tinve Aleeza'baen.

Drow female.

b.2448 – d.2501

Tinve Aleeza'baen was born the youngest daughter of a minor house in a minor drow city. At the very bottom the pecking order, House Aleeza'baen was reduced to constant infighting with other small houses and putting together raids on the people of the Pagan Plains above. Most of her siblings were placed into the clergy or trained as warriors, but Tinve showed an early aptitude for assassination. Bloodthirsty and stealthy, Tinve's skill at murder allowed house Aleeza'baen to climb the complex hierarchy of drow society. However, it wasn't long before the upstart house stepped on the wrong toes. After the successful assassination of venerable drow matriarch, House Aleeza'baen was challenged and charged with murder beyond its bounds, a serious crime among the black elves. To appease the aggrieved house, the Matron Mother Valeni Aleeza'baen offered up Tinve as a sacrifice to Lloth. Furious at being hung out to dry like this, Tinve escaped her fate by plunging her dagger into her mother's back, and fighting her way out of the drow city.

Alone in the underdark and exiled from her home, Tinve was surely doomed to die, as so many drow renegades before her. However, her aptitude for survival beat the odds, and she slowly crept her way to the surface. But it turned out at the surface was just as hostile to a drow as the wilds of the Underdark. Following numerous attempts on her life by suspicious and nervous surface-folk, Tinve decided to travel to Khare, the home of all of Allansia's renegades and outlaws.

Khare suited Tinve just fine. Her skills were highly prized, and she soon found plenty of wet work to do in the city. The bloody path she cut across the streets of Khare was soon noticed by one of the city's crime-lords: the Evaressemmeem mage known as Forkiz Geung. It wasn't long before Tinve became his personal assassin, and with Tinve as his weapon Forkiz and his House of Pale Lanterns soon became one of the premier gangs, outstripping the violent Hanged Men, and even cowing the mysterious and powerful House of Jakob.

It was in service to Forkiz Geung where Tinve met Germane del Sesuro, a minor sneak-thief from Tethyr. They worked together on jobs, drank and fought together in taverns, and in time became lovers. Their union however was not liked within the House. Nelson, the half-orc doyen feared their collaboration, and began to distance them from Forkiz. Angered at this, Tinve and Germane planned to leave Khare, and take a sizable amount of Forkiz's gold with them. Their pockets full, they fled by night to Arventine, but were dogged by Pale Lantern men at every turn. It soon became apparent that there was only one way to get out of this: return the gold to Forkiz and bargain for their exile. Surprisingly, the usually cruel crime-lord agreed, but on the condition Tinve do one last job.

Tinve agreed, and Germane decided to go into hiding until the deal was secure. He took a boat to Port Gong, a remote pirate isle off the coast of Evaressemme, and Tinve remained to complete her last task. She was to find an elf named Orrind who had stolen from Forkiz, and bring him back to Khare. Easy, she thought. Suspiciously easy. The job went without a hitch until Tinve ran into Orrind's friends, the group who would be later known to most as the Heroes of Arventine. Fearing a double cross by Forkiz, she offered them a chance to kill Forkiz should they wish to pursue her to Arventine (Tinve had no fear they would disrupt her task here). Good to have that in the back pocket. Her fears were right. Upon returning Orrind to Forkiz, it became known to her soon after that Germane has been killed by hired mercenaries backed by Pale Lantern coin. Fearing assassination herself, she withdrew into the shadows of Khare, vowing not to leave the city until Forkiz lay dead. It was mere weeks before the chance arose.

News came that the Heroes of Arventine had arrived in Khare, so Tinve made her move. With a small band of hired blades, she crept into the city sewers, and waited. Soon the Heroes arrived, their own task of rescuing Orrind on their minds. She followed the path of destruction they left, and found the heroes facing off against Nelson and Forkiz. It was Christoph, a paladin of Melora who was quite a pleasant distraction to Tinve, who left her alone with the crime-lord.

Vengeance sated, Tinve left the House of Pale Lanterns only to see the streets of Khare awash with horror. It was known as the Eclipse of Khare, demons pouring into the city underneath a blood-red conjunction of moon and sun. The only thing on her mind was survival, so she made for the edge of town. Her path crossed with the Heroes of Arventine one last time, aiding them against a war troll. A debt paid. However, the mass of demons made escaping hard. Cornered by barlgura, she thought her time was up. At the last minute, she opened her eyes and saw not the maw of an abyssal horror, but a troupe of warriors dressed in black. Come with us, they ordered, and led Tinve out of the city. Little did Tinve know these were the Red Men of Mampang, the soldiers of the Black Mage.

There were others rescued from Khare by the Red Men. One of which was Dogbone, an ranger in the employ of the Harpers. It was only he and Tinve who agreed to become Red Men as the price of rescue. The rest were butchered. Tinve and Dogbone were stripped of their belongings, tied up and slung over horses. It seemed like an age travelling like this over mountain and plain, but in time they found themselves amidst the old trees that make up the Direwoods. Why here? They both asked. They had no answer except being forced onto slabs of stone. The leader of the Red Men, a tall thin man with black hair, steadily carved the tripod sigil of Mampang upon their flesh. What happened next is known to only a few, but soon Dogbone and Tinve were looking at ragged scars in their chests, and their hearts beating in the man's hands.

Not knowing what had happened or why, the two of them managed to steal away one night, a feat not easy even for Tinve. Shocked, confused and horrified by what had happened to them, they sought out clerics and mages to aid them. In the months that followed they learned many foul secrets of the Red Men that cannot be repeated here. One diviner took Tinve's custom repeating crossbow in payment for locating her heart. A few more seers, a handful more mages, and Tinve had access to the Unspeakable Merchantry, the planar auction house that had come into possession of her heart. With Dogbone in tow (he had fallen in love with Tinve at this point, a love that was definitely unrequited), Tinve trod the planes in search of her missing heart.

Nothing is ever easy. The Unspeakable Merchantry was closing for the astral season, and there was only one ticket left in the strange city of Linger that surrounded the auction house. Falling back on old habits, Tinve stabbed and hacked her way into the possession of the last ticket. Only one obstacle remained – Captain Dwendae, the cunning and dangerous astral pirate. Knowing Dwendae would ambush her as soon as she tried to enter the auction house, Tinve remained hidden and waited for an opportunity. This came in the strangest of coincidences.

The Heroes of Arventine, who Tinve thought had died in the Eclipse, turned up looking to buy a skiff for their own ends. Despite being fond of Balthazar, Fu, Eored and Sarah, Tinve's survival instincts took over. She manipulated them into killing Dwendae, and attempted to make for the auction house. However, she underestimated the Heroes efficiency, and they caught her skulking through the streets of Linger. Both sides knew what would happen next: One of them would have to die to use the last ticket. Throwing herself at the Heroes, thinking victory easy, she was easily beaten down. Desperately looking for a method to stay alive, she began to draw out an agreement with Balthazar. Her life possibly safe, she started to relax. However, Eored the elf had little time for her slippery ways. Tinve fell to the ground for the last time, Eored's arrow embedded in her forehead.

So passed Tinve Aleeza'baen, bounty hunter of Khare.

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