Tuesday 4 June 2013

Desert of Skulls Chapter 1 - Welcome to Iskandria. 

As the party sight land, their long sea voyage finally coming to an end, they spy another ship on the horizon. It quickly draws alongside and the Everessememe soldiers crewing it insist on searching the party's ship. The fail to find whatever it is they were looking for, but realise the Zhang Zhou is a graduate of the University of Mongxar and thus obliged to offer help to soldiers on the Emperor's business they requisition him for their secret mission. They refuse to let Gordon join Zhang, but do promise to return him to the small port town of Iskandria, where they suggest that the party wait in the meantime.

As the party sail into Iskandria, they see an ancient, but slightly crumbling, town. Despite a large number of berths, the docks are mostly deserted save for a single merchant vessel and a few listless dockhands. One of them informs the party that the docks are normally bustling, but recently caravans travelling along the desert road have been prevented from reaching the town by a group of 'mad northmen'. The party then make their way to Iskandria's premier eatery, Hammurabi's grill for a bite to eat. Whilst feasting on delicious grills, the enthusiastic Hammurabi asks for the party' help: a tribe of horrible lizard men have recently taken up residence by an oasis normally used by his camel and sheep herds. They are eating the normally well-treated camels indiscriminately and Hammurabi asks the party to drive them off, a task for which they will be rewarded with gold and free grills for life.

The party next visits the Caranvaners' Guild whose head, Ilu-Shuma, asks them to deal with the Northmen who have been raiding the caravans travelling into Iskandria. They are striking out of the hills surrounding the desert road and killing or taking captive the passengers and crew of any caravans that pass, leaving the cargo strangely untouched. The party agree to help and head off to the west gate, passing through the marketplace on their way.

In the market, the party encounter a mad beggar who babbles to them about elves having stolen his name, asking if they could find it if they are going into the desert. Before he can be questioned further he scarpers, terrified by the monstrous faces of Gordon and Charlie Martin. With the exception of Gordon, the part also all buy sunhats.

Their business in town concluded for the time being, the party head into the desert. They find the lizardman tribe by the oasis and are told by their shaman to go away – it's their oasis now. The draconic-speaking Strawson attempts to negotiate but fails and the party leaps into battle. After our heroes make short work of the Lizardmen's front line and artillery the shaman surrenders and agrees to lead the tribe back to the hills where they used to live.

After the battle is done, Gordon and Charlie's sharp eyes spot a figure on the edge of the hills to the north – the party is being watched. Suspecting that it was one of the Northmen that they are after, the party goes to investigate. After some disagreements over which way the tracks lead from the hill, the party decide to follow Gordon's lead. However the have spent too long deliberating and as they are walking along the bottom of a narrow ravine, bowmen appear at the top and they see a boulder being manoeuvred into position at its mouth – the party are being ambushed! Luckily Gordon manages to push the boulder back the other way before it can crush the party. The northmen seem uninterested in talking, their leader merely instructing his men to take the Goliath alive as he would make a fine meal for 'Mother Wyrm'. After a tough fight the northmen go down and on the leader's corpse the party find a crude map indicating a path through the hills.

The map leads to the party to a rune-covered cave mouth and they proceed to enter. Inside they find “Mother Wyrm” - an enormous snake that the northmen had been feeding their captives to. Faced with such obviously dangerous beast, the party dig deep into their reserves and vanquish the monster in under thirty seconds.

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