Tuesday 28 August 2012


TAWNI ABBAS: An obese and opulent Arventinian senator. He is the chief benefactor of the party, and had aided them in their quests on many occasions. It was Tawni, now an Hidden Lord of Arventine himself, who elected Balthazar to this vaulted position. While helpful, his true intentions are unknown to all.

SIRIUS: A wily slum-dweller who acted as the party's guide in Arventine. He is very resourceful, and seems rather fond of his new companions. While his apparent profession is a slum-guide, he seems to have many links to the Thieves Guild and to Senator Tawni Abbas.

GLIPKERIO: The stern and intelligent master of the Arventine Thieves Guild. He is also a Hidden Lord of Arventine, and aided the resistance during Sapphoro's brief coup.

CAPTAIN AVERNUS: Another Hidden Lord, and also the captain of the city watch. He is a grumpy and put-upon man, but seems capable.

SINIFAE: An elven ranger in the employ of the Harpers.

MARIGOLD: an ex-prostitute and semi-girlfriend of Christophe. She was placed in charge of the Grove of Melora in Christophe's absence.

PARP: The gnome butler of Alain Fu's Tower.

DUKE TREVEC LACHANCE: The lord of the Gallantrian city of Gilleon, and father of Sarah. He is known as a scheming man, and seems to have a worrying interest in the Cyrinishad.

FORKIZ GEUNG: A crimelord from Khare, who currently has Orrind in his captivity.

TINVE ALEEZ'ABAEN: The Drow bounty hunter who kidnapped Orrind, in the employ of Forkiz Geung.

MENDOKEN: A Harper agent and colleague of Sinifae. A gruff individual. Now currently aiding the liberation of Vos.

BABA YAGA: The mysterious and seldom-seen witch of the Direwoods. Seems to know alot about the Cyrinishad.

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