Thursday 23 May 2013

ARVENTINE: Chapter 2: "A Problem Most Dire(woods)"

With the party back together, the heroes prepared for the week-long trek north to the Direwoods, to uncover the true story behind the Harpers and Baba Yaga. The road north was quiet except for a few traders and farmers heading to the markets of Vos and Arventine. Passing first through the salt-flats, then across the Merildor Hills, and finally along the coast road, they arrive in sight of the dark and ominious looking Direwoods.

Suddenly, Eored had a feeling that they were being tracked. Sure enough, a band of ranger looking types surrounded them, weapons at the ready. Their leader emerged, a man in rough leathers with a bushy black beard and long black hair tied back in a topnot, Flatlander-style. He introduced himself as Brynam Riv, and demanded that the party submit to a search. Recalling her youth in Gallantria, Sarah Lachance recognised the name Riv as one of the noble houses of her home realm. By proving his association with Melora, Christophe convinced Brynam a search was not needed, and Sarah pressed the man on why a Gallantrian noble was so far from home. Brynam Riv seemed prickly, and avoided the question, simply asking her what the lost daughter of Duke Trevec Lachance was doing travelling with mercenaries out east.

After some discussion, Brynam revealed that him and his rangers were hunting a cabal of infernalist devil-worshippers that has absconded into the Direwoods. He skillfully avoided the topic of the purpose of this hunt, and instead recruited the party to aid him. Brynam told them that the Fey of the Direwoods had gone feral, and killed several of his men, impeding his search. In the hope of finding either the Harpers or Baba Yaga, the heroes agreed to search the forest. Brynam told them there was a warlock who dwelled in the forest called Igris who might be able to help them. As they departed, Brynam told them to be careful of an unknown creature who stalks the forest, known only as 'The Wolf Mother of the Woods'.

The Direwood was an eerie place, utterly devoid of any signs of wildlife. Fearing the worst, the party search around and find some Hellish symbols engraved on several trees, which soon turned into a trail deep into the forest. Soon they came to a wooded canyon where a cave entrance lay beneath. Clambering down ropes, they investigate the cave, to see it had infernal runes etched on the entrance. Creeping inside, they came to a large chamber bedecked with poisonous mushrooms with a battered and bloody door at the far end, and and a passage leading further into the cave complex. In the passage they found a moribund wilden lashed to the rocks by his own tendrils, but before they could investigate further, wild looking eladrin emerged from the ivy covered walls and attacked.

A furious battle took place, with some opportunistic hags joining in. After the rabid fey were dispatched the hags fled, and the party gathered their wits. They returned to the sleeping wilden, but as Balthazar approached him, vile Hellish runes glowed suddenly all around them, and two chain devils emerged out of the aether and attacked. With a cry of 'back devils!' the party slew them, only for a smoky, possessing devil to slip out of the wilden and take over Sarah. After a battle of wills with the devil, Sarah banished it from her mind, and the thing was slain. Free of the possession, the wilden thanked the party and told them of what had happened. He claimed that several black-cloaked humans had arrived a few days prior and performed an occult ritual on the fey-oak that lay at the heart of the cave, tearing out its heart. With the fey-oak dead, the connection to the Feywild was broken and the fey, now trapped in the Material Plane, were driven mad with rage. He feared for the fate of Igris, worrying that the eladrin had killed him in their frenzy. When asked, the wilden knew nothing of Baba Yaga or the Harpers. Gifting Eored with a fine wilden bow, he thanked the heroes once more and slunk wounded out of the cave.

Returning to investigate the door in the previous chamber, the party notice it is covered in scratches and has been busted off its hinges. Inside they found a rude living quarter with a table of alchemical ingredients bubbling away, and the savage and broken body of Igris. Upon examination, they find Igris to be recently dead, and vow to take him to be raised when the adventure is over, if at least to quiz him on the nature of the witch Baba Yaga.

Steeling themselves, they leave the body of Igris in his chambers, and head deeper into the cave to find the desecrated fey-oak. The party enter a large chamber with crevices in the floor, and strange fungus growing from the walls. At the back of the chamber they see a sorry looking oak, with a great rend in its trunk. in the center of the room is a vast creature, a mixture of a spider and a giant tick, 8 foot tall with beautiful irredescent chitin tipped with lethal looking barbs. It was an Arachonoptrix, the fabled 'Wolf Mother of the Woods', a magnificantly dangerous Feywild predator made up of two creatures: a mindless savage animal, and a psionic parasite within, working in harmony. As the Arachonoptrix lept at the party they fought back hard, avoiding it's acidic mandibles. Strange goblin-like creatures called Nilbogs crawled from the crevices to join the fight, wierd fey that heal through damage, and suffer through healing. Solving the mystery of the Nilbogs the party soon dispatched them, and eventually killed the Arachonoptrix. Landing the final blow, Sarah tore off a fragment of chitin to fashion into a helmet.

While the others recovered, Eored and Christophe approached the ruined fey-oak, and found a strange drawing pinned inside the gaping wound. (see prior post). It was a Tartarigraph, a cryptic request from infernalists to the Hells themselves, a plea that accompanies a sacrifice, in this cast the fey-oak itself. Through a commune with his god, the paladin of Melora understood that he could heal the tree, but only at great cost to himself. Eored offered to step up, but Christophe felt it was his holy duty to do this himself. Reaching into the wound, the Paladin's lifeforce bled slowly into it. As it healed, to everyones horror the wound began to hungrily close around Christophe's arm. Despite the assistance of Eored, Christophe was too slow, and his arm just below the elbow was crushed and torn off. Despite the horror of losing his limb, Christophe knew he had healed the forest, and his lost arm would become one with it, feeding it.

Wasting no time, the party quickly examine the Tartarigraph. The collection of images made no immediate sense, but they recognise three symbols: the rune of the Black Mage of Mampang, the lily of Gallantria, and the grail of house Lachance. The rest of the image a mystery, they return to gather up Igris' body and head back to Brynam Riv. The going it hard, with Christophe's ability to climb reduced by his severed limb, and the burden of carrying Igris. Suddenly they are confronted by the beginnings of radiant portals all around them, oozing the same substance they fled from in the journey from Khare. With some arcane trickery, Alain Fu managed to dismiss the portals for now, and the party pressed on. With the end of the forest approaching, they deemed their ordeal nearly over. But in the fading light, Eored noticed torchlight in the distance, a mass of torches all around them, approaching them slowly...

Tune in next time, for Chapter 3: "A Farewell to Arm".      

Saturday 18 May 2013

ARVENTINE: The Tartarigraph.

The obscure request to the Nine Hells that the party found in the desecrated Fey-Oak tree in the Direwoods:

"The Tartarigraph"